Conscious Sedation

What is Conscious Sedation?
Sedation is a great way to relax when having dental treatment done. We know that it can sometimes be scary, daunting and difficult to come in for care. Here at Palmetto Bay Family Dentistry, we are happy to offer our oral sedation option to patients.
Conscious sedation assists in reducing discomfort, anxiety, and pain during select procedures. Conscious sedation is provided with medications and, in some cases, local anesthesia to provide relaxation. Conscious sedation is most often used for patients who feel anxious or during dental procedures like fillings, root canals, or routine cleanings.
Why might Conscious Sedation be needed?
There are several reasons for why you might benefit from or need conscious sedation. You might be coming in for more invasive treatment or surgery, and we may recommend that you be in a sleep-like state during the appointment. Likewise, if you suffer anxiety, panic attacks or severe fear when visiting the dentist, sleep dentistry is right for you. Patients who have trouble sitting still for their procedures can benefit from this option as well.

Who is a candidate for Conscious Sedation?
Most of our patients who need or want conscious sedation can have it safely administered in our office. We will go over your health and medical history prior to administering any type of sedative. Conscious sedation is ideal for both adults as well as children who are in need of care.
What happens during Conscious Sedation?
Conscious sedation is available to all of our patients and can be administered on an as-needed basis. We offer oral sedation – a pill you take prior to your appointment. It is designed to relax and calm you down enough to receive the care that you need.
If you would like to learn more about conscious sedation, call us today so that we can get you in for a convenient appointment.