Inlays and Onlays

What are Inlays and Onlays?
Restoring your teeth to their original shape and size can easily be done with the use of either an inlay or onlay. Both of these restorations are custom-made so that they fit comfortably and easily. Inlays sit inside of the grooves and cusps of the teeth while onlays sit over top of the tooth. Your new restoration can last for decades with the proper care and maintenance.
Why might Inlays and Onlays be needed?
Teeth very rarely crack and break perfectly each time. If a tooth has broken or cracked on the very top, the area might benefit from either an inlay or onlay being placed. Likewise, if a tooth has a large area of decay or a filling that needs to be replaced, we might recommend this type of restoration. Inlays and onlays are designed to fit perfectly into the grooves of the teeth.

Who is a candidate for Inlays and Onlays?
To determine if either an inlay or onlay is needed, we’ll perform an examination. The exam allows us to see if there is damage to the tooth and if so, if you would benefit from this type of restoration. Most patients who need either an inlay or onlay can have one placed. The beauty about these restorations is that they’re more durable than a lot of other options, so you can expect it to last for many decades.
What happens during the procedure for Inlays and Onlays?
The procedure begins with a local anesthetic that is used to effectively numb the area. We then remove any old filling material and tooth decay as well as smooth out any cracks or breaks. Impressions are taken and used to make the inlay or onlay that you need. The second visit into our office involves placing the restoration permanently. We make minor adjustments to the way the inlay or onlay fits, and you’ll be ready to head home.
If you want to know more about inlays and onlays, call us today so that one of our helpful staff members can answer more of your questions.