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Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

For patients missing teeth, there is a better option when it comes to replacing what’s missing. Dental implants have been used for years to help restore patients’ smiles and confidence. Rather than compromise surrounding teeth or having to wear a removable prosthetic appliance, dental implants work on their own and are restorations you simply won’t need to think or worry about once they’ve been given some time to heal.

All You Need to Know About Dental Implants?

Implants are often made of titanium, making them a solid option for patients of all ages. Once the implant is placed deep into the jawbone, it will undergo a process of integration that involves it bonding with the actual bone. This process can take anywhere from three to nine months depending on the patient and their ability to heal. Once healed, a crown, bridge or even a full denture plate can be made to fit over the actual implant.

Who is a Good Candidate for Implants?

Most patients are good candidates for dental implants. The procedure does rely on solid, healthy bone in order for it to heal properly. Because of this, we may recommend a bone grafting if you suffer from bone loss in or around the area where the implant will be placed. You should be healthy enough to have oral surgery performed, and you’ll need to be healthy enough to heal from the actual procedure itself. To determine if you’re a good candidate for implants, we’ll examine your smile and take x-rays. This will give us a clear view of whether or not implants are right for you.

What to Expect During the Implant Procedure

The procedure begins by making an incision through the gums. Next, we make a tunnel-like hole into the bone itself. The titanium implant is then placed and sutures are put through the gums to close them. The implant will heal in a short period of time, usually months. Once healed, you’ll come back into the office and we will make a restoration to be placed over the actual implant. Implants can last for decades without showing signs of needing replacement, so it’s a restoration that you won’t need to worry or fuss with over time.

Contact Dr. Norris Navoa & Dr. Mariam Mesa in Palmetto Bay, Florida

If you would like to come into our office for a consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact Palmetto Bay Family Dentistry! Dr. Norris Navoa & Dr. Mariam Mesa, our dentists in Palmetto Bay, FL, would be happy to answer any questions about the dental implant procedure.