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How Can Poor Oral Health Affect the Rest of the Body?
Oral health is extremely important for many reasons. If patients suffer from gum disease, cavities, or bad breath this can cause issues with your teeth and mouth. Our mouths are a pathway for bacteria to enter the body. The bacteria are able to enter the blood stream, and this can also cause infection or inflammation

Is it Better to Get A Dental Implant or a Bridge?
When deciding on a restorative solution it is important to look at all of your options to help you decide on the best option that works for you. A common question patients face is if they should choose a dental bridge or dental implants when they are looking for a tooth replacement solution. Both are

When Should a Person Switch Dentists?
Switching dentists can be a hard decision, but patients need to make a change if they notice things aren’t working out with the current practice. Knowing when to make the move can be hard, but there are some tips you can follow to help you find your new dental office or dental clinic in the

What is the Difference Between Dental Implants & Veneers?
Dental Veneers and Dental Implants both can give patients a beautiful white smile. Deciding what restorative or cosmetic option works best for you depends on the condition of your teeth. Our staff at Palmetto Bay Family Dentistry in Palmetto Bay, FL provides cosmetic and restorative consultations to all our patients to take a detailed look

Can Dental Cleanings Damage Enamel?
Dental cleanings are integral part of our oral health, and are typically recommended twice a year. Keeping our teeth and gums free and clear of harmful bacteria is important. At Palmetto Bay Family Dentistry, our team is proud to offer general dental treatments like dental cleanings in Palmetto Bay, FL. We strive to provide quality

What Is Interceptive Orthodontics And What Is It For?
Interceptive orthodontics is the type of orthodontics will help the correct growth and development of the maxillary bones in order to avoid future mal-positions or alterations. This is usually placed between 7 and 11 years of age when the dentition is mixed but the first upper molars have already erupted. At this age the maxillary bones are growing and moldable. Remember that the first visit with an orthodontist should take place over six years of age.

Advantages of All on 4 and All on 6 implants
People with edentulism (total or partial loss of their teeth) no longer have to have an implant for each piece they want to place. Thanks to the All on 4 (all over 4) and All on 6 (all over 6) techniques, it is now possible to perform only 4 or 6 implants on which a single titanium arch will then be fixed with all the teeth needed to return to wear a beautiful smile. It helps improve the chewing function, aesthetics, speech and self-esteem of the user.

Care During And After Tooth Whitening Treatment
The tooth whitening is a treatment that can be performed at home under the supervision of a dentist that by using daily splints and hydrogen peroxide gel applied on the outer surface of the teeth will whiten teeth. This treatment lasts approximately 15 days. There is also the possibility of whitening in the dental office, where applying the whitening gel on the surface of the teeth and using a light will activate the gel to perform the bleaching function.

Prevent Gum Disease
To prevent the occurrence of gingivitis, good oral hygiene is essential because it limits the development of dental plaque and the appearance of tartar: frequent and careful brushing of teeth, use of dental floss, interdental brushes, etc.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
If you’re currently missing one or more of your teeth, you might be wondering about your options to replace what’s missing. Missing dentition can affect your self-esteem, confidence and even the way you’re able to eat and chew. Rather than wear a prosthetic appliance, like a denture or partial, or have to compromise surrounding teeth

Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?
For patients missing teeth, there is a better option when it comes to replacing what’s missing. Dental implants have been used for years to help restore patients’ smiles and confidence.